Lean and Agile Methodologies to improve plant production efficiency

Delivering value to customers through high quality products and fast service is fundamental to all businesses and an important requirement for project teams. In the quest to optimise the production process, various methodologies have emerged that aim to improve every stage of the process, from budgeting and initial design through to development, manufacturing, inventory and distribution.

Merging machines and software for the Smart Factory

A favourable overall framework such as that of Industry 4.0, which encompasses a set of factors, extended to specific applications such as the connectivity of elements in the plant and the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), are leading the industrial sector to change at an unprecedented scale.

Advantages of becoming a Factory 4.0

No fewer than 90% of companies lack a digital strategy. According to a report by the renowned German strategic consulting firm, Roland Berger. Today however, these barriers can and should be saved, especially now that the fourth industrial revolution is here. It is unstoppable and there is no turning back. If you resist change you will be out of the market.