• Advanced Manufacturing

Efficient and accurate quoting with iQuoting - a smarter alternative to Excel and intuition

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Lantek iQuoting software for sheet metal fabrication now available as Software as a Service - a success story -

Sheet Happens I: How to use Lantek Job Explorer effectively

  • Advanced Manufacturing
"SHEET HAPPENS" is a section written by a Lantek customer, a seasoned professional veteran of a thousand battles who will regularly provide us with tips, shortcuts and best practices using Lantek Expert. Don’t miss it!

The digital transformation of Airbus

  • Digital Transformation
Juan Ignacio Castro, a technology enthusiast with more than a decade of experience in aeronautical manufacturing, has been leading the digital transformation at Airbus’ Military Aircraft division. He has made it clear that the digital transformation implies an effort on everyone’s part: the company, the employees, and the suppliers. In order to adapt and stay competitive in the market, “It is important for the entire value chain to develop innovative products and services,” says Castro.