
毋庸多言,意识到拥有高效工厂的重要性后,我们再次谈及优化生产过程的解决方案。 本文章主旨是减少钣金行业原材料消耗,这一点在该领域至关重要。


3月中旬,很多国家刚刚开始隔离时,我们写过一篇关于数字化供应链,使用软件(Digital Factory)实现工业4.0的重要性。

Achieving better functional analyses: Big Data is the key

If there’s one type of technology applied in the business world whose effectiveness is unquestionable, it’s Big Data, which has significantly revolutionized the way that companies approach markets by establishing the practical use of information and its efficient analysis as a base.