Business Intelligence: accessibility, agility and knowledge to lend continuity to business

The raison d’être in industry is the transformation of raw materials into suitable products that satisfy people’s requirements and, by extension, those of the market. The quantity of processes performed and the parties that have to intervene to make this transformation possible vary depending on the sector or the purpose of the product. Coordinating all of the above is complicated as it generates data which is both ample and extremely diverse and to which other variables are added, such as the market, external factors, the competition... the information keeps on growing! Knowing how to process it to find out which type of data we have and which can truly add value, streamlining processes, identifying trends, reducing uncertainty, making forecasts and being able to react in time is critical for any sector’s industry.

What else can a MES do for you? Lantek MES, the competitive advantage of Smart Factories

The changes in the sheet metal sector start from the plant itself, connecting all the machines and areas in real time to make it more productive, thanks to the capacity of anticipation, prevention and prescription that the data emanating from the factory allow when visualised together. This optimisation is only achieved using advanced software, the Manufacturing Execution System, known by the acronym MES. A program that models all processes and machines and has the capacity and technology to communicate with them according to each machine.

The impact of digitization in the industry’s economy

Technological advances in manufacturing are undoubtedly shifting the economic landscape and shaping the future of our industry.