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Artificial intelligence in the sheet metal industry or how to optimize processes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a key technology for the optimization of production processes and can be especially useful in sheet metal cutting factories from the automation of processes to the creation of quotes, cost control in real time, management of the cutting process or through expert guidance, using AI, of the machine configuration process or in the selection of the most suitable environment configuration to optimally manufacture production orders.

The importance of making data-based decisions in the sheet metal industry

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of making decisions that are based on objective and accurate data. The reliability and quality of said data is fundamental and we must know exactly which data to use in order to justify decisions and add value. But we can’t just use any old data.

Fast quotes for sheet metal

In the sheet metal industry, financial planning is one of the most important activities to ensure the smooth running of a business and preparing quotes is one of the most critical. To be managed effectively, quotations must be as close as possible to the reality of production.