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Lantek responds to the evolution of the sheet metal industry in 2020

The immediate impact of Covid was the need for staff to work from home if possible, which meant that tasks like programming the cutting machines and preparing quotations needed to be quickly made operational from home offices. About 40% of our customers had an immediate need for this capability as soon as lockdown started.

Digital Factory, when digitization is synonymous with competitiveness

The industrial sector is a country’s growth pillar, it’s the competitive advantage of an economy that is able to generate quality employment opportunities that are stable and well recognized both professionally and in terms of salary. However, to sustain these strengths, we need to innovate, renew ourselves and anticipate the progress that is available to society, which unavoidably involves digitization.

Hybrid computing systems in Industry 4.0

There has been a considerable amount of publicity about the advantages of cloud computing and rightly so. The advantages are clear as it removes the need to have skilled people to set up and run complex in-house computer networks and also takes away the need to invest in expensive equipment and continually reinvest to keep it up to date.