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Companies collaborate to build Giant Guitar installation in Liverpool

Diamond Precision Engineering was tasked with making a giant guitar to mark the 80th birthday of Sir Paul McCartney.

What is Edge Computing and How Can It Help Manufacturers?

It seems that new computing methodologies are released every other year. In recent years much of the focus has been put on converting legacy systems to cloud solutions. Widespread adoption of cloud technology in all industries has helped to drive the cost of these solutions down. While cloud solutions are helping enterprises and individuals stay up to date with the latest technological and security advancements, they require a tremendous amount of data transmission.

Extended Digital Transformation, when the collaborative environment becomes a business model

The digital ecosystem leads us to create collaborative environments in which we can grow as technological partners, sharing ideas from internal sources (the company itself) and external ones (customers, suppliers, the competition, the market) to develop advanced technological solutions. This is what we call Extended Digital Transformation, a concept that combines the best value propositions of all the agents involved in the process of innovation, with the aim of being more efficient and more productive in the competitive era of Industry 4.0.