From Shop Floor to Cloud: How Lantek MES Transforms Manufacturing

Slice. Bend. Weld. Repeat. Each action on the shop floor demands flawless execution. Lantek’s Machine Connectivity technology, paired with our Manufacturing Execution System (MES), is revolutionizing this routine. The secret sauce? Real-time data. MES integrates effortlessly with CAD/CAM systems, bridging the gap between design and production, and ensuring every operation is executed with pinpoint accuracy. This is not just an upgrade; it’s a transformation.

Cloud Manufacturing: seven advantages of moving your factory to the cloud

It’s the new manufacturing paradigm developed thanks to the possibilities offered by connectivity and the cloud. An increasing number of companies are offering their software associated with Cloud Manufacturing, such as ERP, CRM, MES.

Blockchain, technology for securing your networks

It was born out the emergence of bitcoin, to carry out monetary transactions within a closed community, not in an elitist sense, but in terms of security. Blockchain technology guarantees an impassable, hacker-proof system, which works because of the utmost trust between its users.