Simplifying the quoting process

Financial planning is one of the most important activities to ensure the smooth running of a business, and more so in the metal and sheet metal processing industry. There are many elements to take into account within this planning process, but it would be fair to say that preparing quotes is one of the most critical. The quote is like a map for a traveler - it marks the proposed route and, for a business to be managed effectively, this must be as close as possible to reality.

Lantek MES + Lantek Analytics = the best combination for the Digital Factory

The challenges placed before us by Industry 4.0 in attaining a digital factory with optimum results require solutions that will help us to overcome them in solvent and error-free manner. Conscious of these challenges, Lantek has developed solutions that make it possible to gather and analyze plant data in real time and, in parallel, to improve decision-making in an aim to make companies more competitive. The joining forces of the traditional Manufacturing Execution System and data analysis, through Lantek Analytics and Lantek MES, serves as a base for advanced and intelligent manufacturing.

Lantek Workshop Radar, quick location in the workshop

The correct identification and location of all the workshop assets is a necessary condition for the correct implementation of efficient and effective internal logistics that can help maximize productive capacity. Traditional methods of identification and location are based on the human factor and are prone to error. Lantek Workshop Radar is Lantek’s solution for locating assets— sheet metal, tools, products, etc.—inside the workshop. Perfectly integrated with Lantek’s manufacturing suite, it allows its operators to minimize lost time and have a much more accurate and updated inventory at all times.