Lantek helps to deliver substantial productivity improvements for Australian sheet metal manufacturer

Australian laser subcontractor Online Laser Pty can manufacture twice as much as before with the help of Lantek’s sheet metal CAD/CAM and ERP software

70% of companies are set to increase their cybersecurity budget

There’s no turning back now. Digitization is a must for any company, and has become essential following the impact of the pandemic. Many companies have been forced to take the technological and digital plunge, adapting or even reinventing their business models to continue serving their customers remotely. This has made companies more vulnerable and more exposed to security breaches.

Cloud Computing: the advantages of being in the cloud for the metal industry

Digital transformation is making increasingly decentralized environments possible. As well as mobile devices and software tools that interconnect machines and processes while capturing data, storing all of the information generated by factories in the cloud makes it possible for us to take greater advantage of all of the information in a more streamlined and efficient manner.