Imagining the future and making it happen: the machine of tomorrow

Vision and innovation, cloud, modernization of apps and systems, security, services focused on and for the user, hyper-connectivity, artificial intelligence, protocols, IoT, integration... Digitization, a great deal of digitization, and all under the umbrella of Industry 4.0. The future brings with it a world with more options in terms of automation, variety, precision and effectiveness, but also with less complexity, costs and risks. However, before that future arrives, we have to imagine it. Envisioning the future of the metalworking industry and making it a reality is what Lantek is all about.

Lantek MES + Lantek Analytics = the best combination for the Digital Factory

The challenges placed before us by Industry 4.0 in attaining a digital factory with optimum results require solutions that will help us to overcome them in solvent and error-free manner. Conscious of these challenges, Lantek has developed solutions that make it possible to gather and analyze plant data in real time and, in parallel, to improve decision-making in an aim to make companies more competitive. The joining forces of the traditional Manufacturing Execution System and data analysis, through Lantek Analytics and Lantek MES, serves as a base for advanced and intelligent manufacturing.

Hybrid computing systems in Industry 4.0

There has been a considerable amount of publicity about the advantages of cloud computing and rightly so. The advantages are clear as it removes the need to have skilled people to set up and run complex in-house computer networks and also takes away the need to invest in expensive equipment and continually reinvest to keep it up to date.