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Technological trends for 2022

Which technological enablers will make an impression next year? We go over the now traditional report by the Gartner consultancy firm that lists 12 technology trends that will multiply organizations’ efficiency and productivity.

Lantek Workshop Radar, quick location in the workshop

The correct identification and location of all the workshop assets is a necessary condition for the correct implementation of efficient and effective internal logistics that can help maximize productive capacity. Traditional methods of identification and location are based on the human factor and are prone to error. Lantek Workshop Radar is Lantek’s solution for locating assets— sheet metal, tools, products, etc.—inside the workshop. Perfectly integrated with Lantek’s manufacturing suite, it allows its operators to minimize lost time and have a much more accurate and updated inventory at all times.

‘Progressive Corners Beveling’: The algorithm that revolutionizes the way bevels are cut

One of the biggest obstacles that the metal industry faces is cutting bevels or chamfers on corners. After months working on how to overcome the loop that is generated, we’ve developed Progressive Corners Beveling (PCB), an algorithm based on dynamic control of the 5 axes, which means that the head is progressively oriented with the angle of the next bevel. That is, it no longer remains perpendicular to the cutting direction, as it does in tangential programming. Thanks to this we save 15 mm to 30 mm of material from each loop. As a result, there is no material waste, so we gain time and therefore, money.