Nukon Lasers UK collaborates with Lantek UK for laser cutting excellence.

Premium Turkish laser manufacturer Nukon is one of Lantek’s OEM collaborative partners, combining the 2D and 3D technology of Nukon’s lasers with the expertise Lantek brings to the industry with its Lantek Expert software for programming 2D lasers and its Flex3D software for tube cutting lasers.

Smart Factory: integration of manufacturing processes in multi-location companies

Competitiveness and the capacity to adapt have become the axes that support the success of any business. Nowadays, the many changing intrinsic factors in each region and sector, macroeconomic trends of a hyperconnected global market, specific regulatory aspects in each country, or the consumer’s own behavior, can have a positive or negative impact on the results of any organization.

Advantages of becoming a Factory 4.0

No fewer than 90% of companies lack a digital strategy. According to a report by the renowned German strategic consulting firm, Roland Berger. Today however, these barriers can and should be saved, especially now that the fourth industrial revolution is here. It is unstoppable and there is no turning back. If you resist change you will be out of the market.