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Technology and Industry 4.0: meeting the challenge with the right partner

Industry 4.0 is in the news and companies in every sector are becoming aware of the terminology. Its potential for improving productivity is immense. But we must remember that this concept includes dozens of very different technologies, each with different implications and results. The challenge for industrial companies is to understand the possibilities for their business in detail and draw up a plan to transform production processes step by step.

5 challenges for the metal and sheet metal cutting industry

Ultimately, the crux of the matter is to optimize plant production in order to mass-produce customized parts without increasing costs and while also boosting productivity, that’s why using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is vital. We’re talking about both the sensorization of plants with Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced software developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hosted in Cloud environments.

Lantek MES Wos is key to building a secure future for sheet metal manufacturers

Lantek’s MES solution for sheet metal manufacturers is designed to help companies get on the path to digitization. This software helps managers to maintain control of their manufacturing operations, delivering high quality products on time at a profit. The system additionally makes it possible to use data from the workshop to make decisions about investment, customers, markets, pricing and reorganisation and will lead to in depth partnership working with customers and suppliers.