Lantek Analytics: the best ally for Smart Data Management

There’s a timely saying that states: "there is no such thing as too much knowledge", that may be true for knowledge but not for data and, in a world where data is multiplying, managing it properly and precisely when making decisions can mark the difference between the success or failure of a project.

5 Questions Surrounding Manufacturing Processes for Economies of Customization

Humans have been manufacturing goods for centuries. What began as people making tools for personal survival has turned into highly automated processes producing consumer goods on a global scale. Now that we’ve become efficient in manufacturing at scale, the market is demanding customized products. This changes the way we think about processes throughout the manufacturing facility and leads to tremendous innovations in manufacturing technology. Here are some questions and answers surrounding the advantages of such technologies.

Adaptation and customization, beyond software

In the age of digitization, a company’s ability to customize their offer is crucial to enable them to become the preferred choice of current and future customers. This is an adaptation which is necessary in every sector, and the metal industry is not exempt: how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? The key is not in the product, nor in the software per se, but in the processes and in the way that the various pieces of software are adapted to them.