6 steps for building the Digital Smart Factory

When we talk about the Digital Smart Factory we mean intelligent and advanced manufacturing supported by digitization and the interconnection of processes and machines to collect and process data. It involves the participation of all the departments of a plant, from production planning to remote maintenance, including system integration or data analytics.

Multi-location - digitization: the vaccine that the metal industry needs

The industrial sector, like many others, is facing a period of uncertainty as the economic and business scenario has been radically transformed over the last few months by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing’s for sure: emerging intact from such a delicate situation doesn’t just depend on ourselves; there are many intervening factors and they are closely connected, such as the recovery of the major world powers’ economies, the measures taken by the governments in each country or the evolution of the virus itself.

Adjust your quoting to the demand

The competitiveness of our quotes in a world as demanding and global as today’s is a critical success factor. It can be the difference between the customer choosing our option or not. Being able to choose which quotes we want to prioritize and win and which are of little interest is what will contribute to ensure the profitability and survival of our company in the long term.