• Advanced Manufacturing

SHEET HAPPENS IV: Searching for elements – This helps a lot

  • Advanced Manufacturing
Every once in a while someone appears, usually from a commercial department, asking, "That part we did seven months ago, can you find it?" and when you ask for more information, they say something like, "You remember, it was about… this big!” while making a measuring gesture with their hands.

Lantek Analytics, your factory’s analytic business intelligence is just a click away

  • Advanced Manufacturing
As plant manager or head of production, how much do you know about your factory? Have you identified and located every last piece of information? Do you know the efficiency of each machine? How about the workshop? Of each business area and the plant as a whole?

The value of connectivity in a Factory

  • Advanced Manufacturing
In this era of pandemic, connectivity has shown just how valuable it is. Following lockdown, manufacturers adapted their workflow and the way they operated in order to continue producing. Those that were able to work remotely did so to maintain safety distances. But... what are the differences between factories with varying levels of connectivity?